Aqua Doctor Plumbing and SewerDrain Tile Systems

Residential and Commercial Drain Tile Installation & Repair Services

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Rebekah Cook: 10/10 would recommend aqua doctors to everyone! The nicest people, reasonable prices, clean work!

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Douglas Matiasek: These guys show up, don’t price gouge, and explain everything to you so you understand what you’re paying for.

Drain Tile Systems

Looking for a drain tile system in Waukegan or the Chicagoland area? At Aqua Doctor we know basements and the many ways they become a leaky basement. We have the total solution, the key to solving basement leaks forever. Most companies have come up with short-cuts to make money faster by skimping on quality.

We have designed the perfect system. The basement defender system – which involves installing our one of a kind drain tile system and adding a cove plate and a wall liner system routed down to the drain tile pipe.

Installing this system not only protects you from hydro-static pressure ( water seeping up from under floor ) but also protects you from basement wall leaks as well a guaranteed solution, ensuring your basement stays dry during those heavy rain storms.

If you are looking for wet basement repairs look no further. Why spend thousands of dollars breaking up your basement floor and only solve half of your water problems, leaving yourself open for more costs down the road?

Does it really make sense to tear your basement apart twice especially if it’s finished? You can trust the waterproofing experts at Aqua Doctor to solve your water problems right the first time.


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Why Choose Aqua Doctor Plumbing and Sewer, Plumbing Sewer and Drain

  • Exceptional Customer Service
  • Upfront Pricing
  • No Overtime Charges
  • Licensed and Insured
  • Locally Owned & Operated
  • Warranty on all work
  • 90 minute Emergency Service
  • Free Estimates